Coast Guard rescues 3 year old boy who floated away from shore
By: Sheboygan Press
On Wednesday, June 23, 2010 a Coast Guard saved a little boy. It took place at Lake Michigan, where a three year old was pulled away from shore on a pool toy. What happened was a strong wind came over the beach where Kayden, a three year old boy, was with his family and he was sitting an inflatable dolphin when the wind came and pulled him away from the shore and his family.
He floated about 200 yards away from the shore. He was unhurt, but the terror of his family was horrible. Kayden was with his mother and his 3 other girls were with him. After Julia Yang,14, heard her little sister scream she tried to swim and get him, but the current was really strong and she couldn’t swim.
Lee said Yang and two other relatives from Fond du Lac where visiting and went to the beach with Lee’s wife Linda Yang,22, and Kayden. Lee got a call from his wife, she said, “I came down here and he was gone,” Lee thought that Kayden was drowning so he borrowed his neighbors car, because Linda (his wife) had the family’s only car. Lee said that while he was driving his heart was beating so fast that he couldn’t think of anything. When he got there, he was relived that his only son was ok.
Marcus Evans, the chief of Coast Guard Sheboygan, said five crew members launched the 25 foot rescue boat within a minute of the 911 call. They found the boy straddling the pool toy and clinging to the handles. Evans said Kayden was screaming when they got there, he was shaken up and cold, but other than that he was fine.
This article is important to know about because things like that could happen anywhere at anytime and it could be something that is just going to happen once or it could have been going on all day.
Kayden was a 3 year old who was pulled away from the Lake Michigan shore near Sheboygan when a strong wind came. He went to the beach with his mom and 2 relatives that were visiting. He was rescued by a Coast Guard, Marcus Evans. He was all shaken up and cold when he was rescued but he was ok. That incident caused the family a lot of feelings and emotions. The good part was that Kayden Lee, age 3, was ok after being pulled away from shore on a pool toy.
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